Comments on the Gartner final report concerning EIF 2.0
AFUL Interop Working Group comments on the Gartner Final Report concerning the Revision of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and Architecture Guidelines (AG)
AbstractThis document is the official reaction and answer of the AFUL Interop working group to the preparatory study labelled as the Gartner final report in the course of revision of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and Architecture Guidelines (AG). The AFUL Interop working group is deeply concerned about the Gartner report and thinks that it has too many flaws to be a sound basis for EIF v2.0. The present document discusses the main problems associated with this report and provides some recommendations about the future European Interoperability Framework. Mainly, we advocate for open standards to be and remain a central point in EIF v2.0. We also advocate for the use of Free/Libre/Open-Source Software (FLOSS) where security is a concern. |
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