The AFULTab contest
Because free software was born with the hackers community, because innovation and free software are almost always synonyms, because free software users want free software in all their digital devices, the AFUL is launching a contest to free the Tablets!
This contest will demonstrate that it is possible, in record time, to offer a fully functional Tablet for both professional and private users, by the exclusive means of software and applications under a free software license. We will thus show that it is possible:
General rulesInstall in less than 6 months a good quality Tablet currently on the market with free software (operating system, applications) that will allow professional and home use, in online as well as offline mode. Target usageIn order to allow everyone to innovate in their own way, the contest gives a list of target uses as a rough guide. No one of these is mandatory. However, projects that will cover them all will have more chance to be selected and to win. The contest is also open to new and innovative uses and unconventional technological approaches. The jury of the contest will indeed take into serious account disruptive approaches, even if they lead to a lesser coverage of the proposed target uses. Here again, in order to foster innovations, no precise technical criteria are provided. We could have specified some standard and norms, but we prefer those standards and norms to be proposed and justified by the candidates. Minimal hardware
Ideal hardware
FeaturesThe features listed below should be available in online mode (with internet access) as well as in offline mode (without internet access).
Modalities for participation
Project fundingThe number of project participating to this contest is not limited; however, AFUL wish to allow everyone, especially the better project to participate. Therefore, AFUL will financially support, with an endowment of 800€, a limited number of candidates to allow them to participate to the contest. The association is committed to help two projects from its own treasury and other by patronage (some sponsors have already contacted the association and allow financing more projects). If other sponsors wish to give a financial support to the contest, and therefore allow more participating project, please contact us by mail at afultab@aful.org. The projects financed by the AFUL will be selected on the basis of the information provided in their application by a panel of members of the association composed of specialists in electronics, programmers and users. The main selection criteria will be the quality of the chosen touchpad, the disruptive technology, the usability (effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction) and the user experience detailed in the application form. On November 11 2011, AFUL is able to give financial support to 5 participating projects. Obligation for the project financed by AFUL
One contest, one winnerThe freed Tablet must be sent to AFUL before May 1st 2012, noon (Paris time). AFUL must also receive a set of documents containing:
Evaluation criteriaTo choose the winner of the contest, the jury will focus on:
Winning prizeThe winner of the contest will receive the unique prize consisting of a sum of money pooled by AFUL and other sponsors who decide to support this contest. On November 11th, the final prize is 1400€. If any sponsors wish to give a financial support to the contest by raising the final prize, they just need to contact us by mail at afultab@aful.org. Sponsors of this action: Association: |
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