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Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres

French speaking Libre Software Users' Association

Promouvoir les logiciels libres ainsi que l'utilisation de standards ouverts.

AfulTab contest results

English translation for

AfulTab contest results

On November first 2011, AFUL launched a contest to « liberating tablets » called "AFULtab" ending on the first of May 2012.

This contest's goal was to prove that it is possible, within less than six months, to offer a tablet running only free software that is suitable for professional and recreational usage.

After evaluating the various judgment criterias and deliberating, and given the richness and quality of work produced by the participants, the jury, made up of AFUL members and generous sponsors, has decided to award 2 first prizes and a special one.

Winners and final prize repartition.

First prize

  • Ping-Hsun Chen (aka Penk), with his project Meeto, wins a prize of 1710€ and the special jury award « industrialization ready »

  • Pierre Pronchery (DUEKIN Consulting), with his project  NetBSD + DeforaOS, wins a prize of  1710€

Special jury award for  Hack libératoire

  • Genymobile with the project Android 4.x (Ice Cream Sandwich), wins a prize of  380€


Ping-Hsun Chen, wants us to know that this prize can mean a lot for his project's future: « thanks for giving me such a great opportunity to participate this contest, this recognition encourage me to work for Meeto industrialization. »

Pierre Pronchery, on his side, states that: « the goal of DeforaOS has always been to come up with an innovative yet realistic approach to modern Operating System design and development; this contest definitely helped adapting it to the increasingly popular tablet platform, with industrialization quality being a clear objective. »

Daniel Fages, for Genymobile, indicates that: « For several months, we worked on creating an Open Source Android distribution under VirtualBox ( Thanks to this work, we could finalise the project Android 4.x (Ice Cream Sandwich) pour l'AFULtab. This prize is for us an additional encouragement and also a way to find contributors to our community project. »

« A big thank you to all participants and  a big cheer for having demonstrated that, with little resources and within a short period of time, it has been possible to offer a totally free tablet to end-users" concludes Laurent Seguin, AFUL's President "this also helps us reach our target: give rise to a numeric world that is open and fair »,


     Associations: L'Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de logiciels libres (AFUL) OW2 Logo
     Companies: Logo Nexedi Logo Henix 
     Individuals: Jean-Luc Raffaelli, Laurent Séguin

Logo AFULAbout AFUL (

The French speaking Linux and Libre Software Users' Association (AFUL), aims to promote libre software and the use of open standards. AFUL is a non-profit association that gathers users, professionals, companies and other associations based in more than a dozen French-speaking countries and regions (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec, French-speaking African countries, etc.).

Partner of many media, AFUL is present at many exhibitions, conferences and meetings. In particular, it has an active role against bundled sales (Workgroup against bundled sales, (Racketware and Non aux Racketiciels, comparative list of computer vendors and of computer manufacturers), in favor of interoperability (member of AFNOR, participation to Interoperability and accessibility Referentials by DGME, website, etc.), as well as on issues concerning Author Copyrights.


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